Fair Farms 2023 Conference Announced

🌱 A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT for Fair Farms 🌱 📅 SAVE THE DATE 📅 We are so pleased to announce that the Fair Farms Conference is back, and coming to Melbourne on October 20 2023! After the success of the inaugural Fair Farms Conference in Coffs Harbour in 2022, we are...

Fair Farms goes West

  Fair Farms Grower Engagement Officer Donna Mogg headed west this month to deliver workshops and meet with growers and industry groups to discuss the emerging issues of social compliance as it relates to on-farm employment. Hosted by Vegetables WA and travelling...

Harmony Week 2023

Harmony Week is about coming together to celebrate the cultural diversity in Australia and to spread a message of inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. With around 45 per cent of Australians born overseas or with at least one parent who was,...

Gayndah Workshop – Thursday, March 2nd 2023

Gayndah Workshop – Thursday, March 2nd Our Grower Engagement Officer Donna Mogg will be in Gayndah this week to discuss changes to the Fair Work act, workplace enterprise agreements, as well as comprehensively discussing the Modern Slavery Act, how it looks...

EOI Open for Technical Committee Members

Fair Farms is pleased to announce that it is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) to become a Fair Farms Independent Technical Committee Member. Expressions of Interest are welcomed from duly appointed and suitably experienced individuals interested in...